Someone you should know about!

 Lydia Estes Pinkham (born February 9, 1819 – May 17, 1883), the medicine woman that the medical industry called a "quack." She was a woman who wanted to help change the world. She fought for the health of women with roots and herbs. Not only that, she was for humanity as a whole. She was anti-slavery. She came from a family that fought to abolish it. Talk about GOOD PEOPLE! We need more!

Lydia made herbal tinctures to help women with ailments from menstruation through menopause. She used herbs; such as Black Cohosh, Fenugreek, Unicorn root, Dandelion root, Motherwort, Chastetree berry, and more. Medical care has never been affordable in the United States. This is why women like Lydia, myself, and others have developed a love for herbs, plants, and roots to help people heal without breaking the bank. Although the medical industry along with the FDA, made it so her claims that the herbs healed were a placebo. They even had the nerve to say the folk who were giving testimonies about her products were liars. She was known for her bestseller called the Vegetable Compound.  

All of the herbs she used, I now use as well. 

The Creator of Mother Earth placed herbs here to heal us ,not to harm us.

The Healing Garden Cafe is here to assist in that healing. Join us! Take your health back; read about plants and herbs, ask questions, order products. Keep it going until we are out of the medical industry's debt!