All Things Blessed Thistle!

Cnicus benedictus or Blessed Thistle

Yes, we're blessed! With Blessed Thistle, you will feel it once this herb gets into your system. "First thing first," That baby needs some milk! Blessed Thistle increases the flow and supply of the mother's milk. Blessed right?!

Blessed Thistle helps with angina, blood and brain circulation, cancer, constipation, depression, digestive disorders, female problems, fevers, and gallbladder. Blessed Thistle also strengthens the heart and acts as a hormone balancer. If you're experiencing memory fog, this blessed herb has you covered on that! Blessed Thistle will also strengthen the lungs. If you or someone you know have painful menstruation, this herb will help.

Blessed Thistle also helps with hysteria. They used to say only women experienced hysteria; however, that is far from the truth. Men and women alike, suffer from psychological disorders, shallow volatile emotions, attention seeking, and overreacting. Blessed Thistle can help!

What I'm saying is don't SLEEP on Blessed Thistle. This herb has many benefits and is needed to keep us healed and "Blessed!"

You can find Blessed Thistle in Inner ME Detox Tea.